A Future That Works

A Future That Works
NO2aTory/Liberal coalition - Vote with your feet for an alternative to a neo-liberal economy and neo-conservative state Yes2aLeftFront and a Red/Green Left Alliance

Sunday 12 February 2012

Say No2aFreeMarketNHS

With 62% of voters not trusting the Tory/Liberal coalition with the NHS our bourgeois democracy has become a dictatorship of the ruling classes over the people.


  1. If the British Left parties and LRC can mount a successful campaign against Andrew Lansley’s changes to the NHS this subverts not just the neo-liberal agenda of the British political elite but also the Single European Act of 1995, the Lisbon Treaty of 2007 and World Trade Organisation regulations which call for the privatization and marketization of health care as part of the national and international consensus of neo-liberal/neo-conservative rules of world governance.

  2. Drop the Health Bill - e-petition


  3. We need to combine theory and practice to quote Fredric Engels ‘‘without a sense of theory among the workers…what an immeasurable advantage this is shown on the one hand…which is one of the main reasons why the English working class movement crawls along …in spite of the splendid organization of individual unions’’ cited in (V I Lenin, What is to be Done?, Penguin, 1988, p93). Engels goes on to say the struggle must be fought on three fronts, theoretical, political and the practical economic resistance to the capitalists.

  4. If the Left in Britain had leaders with the theory and practice necessary to provide political and economic leadership, I’m sure that people would follow. Just reading the letters pages of the Daily Mirror today regarding the NHS, it’s obvious that opposition to the Tory/Liberal coalition’s ideological agenda is there amongst the general public. If the Left combined the individual issues of health, disability benefits, pensions, austerity and unemployment etc. with the crisis of global finance capital and the greed of the capitalist elite along with as you say a programme which was credible they would get popular support.

  5. ‘‘I think that there are many obstacles …but the most significant is that there is still no sign of mass support for authentic left political parties anywhere at present…

    The absence of a credible left alternative can be blamed on a dearth of capable leadership to an extent but it also has a lot to do with the absence of detailed political substance. ’’

    (Jon T, A crisis of capitalism, Thu 23/02/2012)

  6. It's time for the left to get its act together!


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